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March, 2013:

“attribute to”

I attribute my extensive interest in research to her gracious advice and  precious guidance.

Government attrbitute the success of program to ….

How much alcohol problems would you attribute to bad advertisement?

How much crime would you attribute to alcohol?

How much divorce rate would you attribute to  bankrupcy of any of partners?

One should attribute the shift in perception towards the same sex marriages to the constructive role played by media.

Continously increasing number of  individuals living with cancer should be attributed to the recent advances in mode of treatment.

Her break up with partner is largely attributed to her partner’s rough and disrespectful behaviour.

The most significant change attributed to Obama’s health policy  was increased access to healthcare.

Students attribute their bad performance in the course to unclear instructions by the instructor.

the sentence starting with gerund…

1)Attaining the goal of universal access….will ….to…

2) Finding concerete solution to this quite old problem ….will…. to

3) Seeing each other often….will…. to…

4) Reading English is easier than speaking it.

5)Eating ice cream on a  moving boat…wow…

6) Having good friends is blessing.

7)Rising cost has created anger in public towards  economic system. \

8) Continously rising number of cancer patients have  increased the work of  alreaday exhausted oncology nurses.



“would” as auxiliary

1)Polite request and suggestion..


Would you please give me some advice.

Perhaps it would be helpful for you.


2) reporting future in the past..

She asked if they would help her the next week.

She asked if they would help her moving apartment.

3)  Would can be used in wishes pertaining to the future.

It would have saved time if i had known the procedure well.


Simpe conjugation with auxiliary is often used in polite reuests.




It will work…will it not work?..wont it work?


They will vote for change. Will they not vote for change?  Wont they vote for change?


We will love each other….will we not love each other? Won’t we love each other?


I will work hard..means I am determined to work hard.

They shall work hard. Means they are determined to work hard.


Evolution::: these type of use of will shall is becoming old fashioned in English now.


Bu next December, I all have been living here for three years.


If verb in the main clause in the future tense, then the tense in the subordinate clause would be in present tense.

I will hug you when we meet.


Practicing past perfect continuous test

As a result of uncleared instructions, I had been lagging behind the class.

I had been swimming in the confused data.

I had been doing literature search much before he asked us to do.

I had been working on research ideas much before semester started.

Since I had difficulty in following instructor’s little confused instructions in 2011, I had been regretting my decision of choosing the college  all semester when we were assigned the same instructor for the  important course.

Had it not been snowing that day?



Few words!

Stepping stone towards

Manuscript should be clear disclosure of information

‘Quality, style and subject matter

Now is the time to make good use..I used to write,” now it is the time to  make good use. Now is the time to make good use.

Justification permeats the entire proposal. (Permeat means pervade, spread).


I am not good in using “above all”


Above all—(taking everything together).

It should encompass the aim of the research, yet be brief, precise and limited in number.


Some will require that you pursue a null rather than alternate hypothesis.


Always think of your objective and null hypothesis in mind.


Now this sentence is confusing me..


“Your discovery may be more important than if you had accomplished  your original intent. ( Source Davis M,scientific papers and pub)

Smple present subjunctive!

Most commonlly used in formal commands and reuests.


She demands that I visit everyday. They request that you be here on Monday.

Students demand that instructor improve his communication skills.

Students request that director change the instructor.

APHA board memeber demand that instructor improve English language.


Past tense of subjunctive:


I wish the rain would continue.

I wish you were here.

I wish I had rememebred it.

If i were Dean, I would ask instructor to improve his English.

If  I were instructor, I would give students clear instructions.

If she had been here, he would have been glad to see you.

If you had been here, my dad would have been happy to see you.

If you were here, my Dad would give you expensive jwelllary.

Main Clause Subordinated clause

  1. They requested that
  2. It is mandatory that….
  3. The demand that…will creat delay


 She arrivers earlyhe be present in the classroom.he provide identification



 She wish that she had worked out harder when she was young.

She wish that she had taken healthy food when she was young .

He wish that he had studied hard when he was young.

I wish that I had leant dance when I was in school.

I wish that I had played baseball when I was in school.

My mom wished that you would come for cofee tomorrow.

I wish our instrcutor had good command over Englsih.

I wish our instructor had given us clear instructions.




Infinitive vs gerund!

I used to pronounce gerund as girl ‘g’.

Noun with ing form is gerund. I do not like skipping class I do not like dining in that restaurant.

I love taking picture. I like doing origami.


I do not like to skip classes. I do not like to dine in that restaurant.

Stative verbs!

One grammar error I have been doing a lot..that is use  of stative verbs..

In my recent blogs, I wrote I am seeing… which is completely wrong. My one of friends called me  yesterday and pointed out the mistake. Thanks to her. She even suggested to work on stative verbs.

Is it ok to say, I am imagining the situation.. No. You can not have “ing” before  imagine.


These are so simple rules, small things, but can make beg difference (negatively), Thanks to my friend my noting it down. Now I told my near and dears that if they point out any mistake in my emails, blogs, postings, please make me aware of those mistakes.

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